Friday, March 18, 2011

dulu VS sekarang

kalau dulu..
buka2 mata msg da smpai
tapi sekarang
da nak pejam mata pon inbox empty

kalau dulu..

lambat reply, terus call

tapi sekarang,

tak msg pon ta peduli dah

kalau dulu,
tiap2 hari nak jumpa
tapi sekarang
sebulan sekali pon belum tentu jumpa

kalau dulu,

makan minum pon dia amek tahu

tapi sekarang

sakit pon die buat tak tahu

kalau dulu..
die org pertama smpai kalau ade kesusahan
tapi sekarang
tunggu lama mane pon dia tak sampai juga

ape boleh buat,
itulah realiti kehidupan
manusia sgt cepat berubah
tapi selalu lupa dan sibuk mencari kesalahan org lain
p/s: lain kali, cermin diri dulu yer kawan2.. =)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

i LOVE u

I'm starting to hate those words.. do you know why? because it is easy to say but not many people really understand the meaning.. they took it for granted.. they used it freely, dedicated for those boy or girl that they like.. n after that?? if those words have no meaning anymore.. n they will no more telling you how much they love you.. sound so stupid for me, but that's the reality of life..well guys, don't be like that.. please say it when you're really mean it.. n when you're really in love with those person.. why hurt each other.. love are supposed to be sweet and special..

Spread love everywhere you go:
first of all in your own life and home.
Give love to your mother, father n sibling

then to your friends and others..

a new start!

it's been awhile (obviously) .. to busy with own life until i didn't have time to share my story here.. so, like what I've said.. the time has arrive for me to start my whole life all over again.. i need to forget n forgive and move on as well.. well, being a students isn't an easy job.. I'm carrying a huge responsibility here.. hope I'll get through.. n aw for my personal life..still have no idea how to go through with it.. I'll leave it to God.. just pray for the best.. once, a friend of mine said, if i manage to let things go with all my heart, many more good things will come into my life. is it true? i don't know but there is no harm in trying right? yeah! new spirit here..hahaha! go! go! myself!